Saturday, January 14, 1893


BAPTIST CHURCH-Mr. Bailey, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 10:30 a.m.
Evening services at 7 p.m.  Sabbath school 12 m.

ST. ANN’S CATHOLIC CHURCH-Rev. J. P. Clancy, Pastor.  Services every other Sunday at 9 o’clock a.m.

METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH-K. W. Ward, Pastor.  Services every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sabbath School at 12 m.  Children’s Services 3 p.m.  Class meeting 6:15 p.m.  Bible study Tuesday 7:30 p.m. Prayer meeting Friday, 7 p.m.

GERMAN EPISCOPAL CHURCH-Rev. Wm. A. Schuester, Pastor.  Services every Sunday at 10:30 a.m.  Evening service at 7:30 p.m.  Sabbath school at 9 a.m.

GERMAN EVANGELICAL ST. PAUL’S CHURCH-Rev. E. Rahn, Pastor.  Services every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. Sabbath school at 9:30 a.m.

LOUNSBURY LODGE, No. 751-Meets at their hall the second and fourth Saturdays of each month.  C. R. Austin, W. M.  L. A. Powers, S. W.; F. W. Shipman, J. W.; H. T. Abbott, Treas.; F. O. Willmarth, Sec.; W. J. Hanower, S. D.; Wm. McCredie, J.
D.; A. Gleason, T.

BARRINGTON POST No. 275, G. A. R. Department of Ill.; Meet every second Friday in the month at Parker’s Hall.  A. S. Henderson, Commander; L. F. Elvidge, S. V. C.; L. H. Bute, J. V. C.; A. Gleason, Q. M.; E. R. Clark, O. D.; C. G. Senn, O. G.; Henry Reuter, Sergt.; F. A. Lageschulte, Chap.

W. R. C., No. 85-Meets the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month.  Emily Gleason, Pres.; Miss Bertha Seebert, Sec.

M. W. A., Camp 809-Meets first Saturday of each month at Lamey’s Hall.  E. R. Clark, V. C.; John Robertson, W. A.; Fred Kirschner, B.; M. T. Lamey, Clerk; William Antholts, W.; Lyman Powers, E.; P. A. Hawley, S.

A surprise party was given Johnny Sizer Thursday evening of last week. It was an enjoyable affair for the little ones.

Frank Walthansen of Elgin made a business trip here Thursday of last week.

Mr. C. Nacher has bought of G. H. Lageschulte the C. J. Dodge house,
with two lots.  Consideration, $1,550.

Presiding Elder Messner assisted in the services at the German Evangelical Church last Sunday evening.

Curtis Cruver of Michigan, also Wallace Craver of Spencer, Iowa, were visitors at Mr. C. Wool’s last week.

William Crunan, who has been sick, has recovered so as to be on duty.

William McCredie & Co. filled their ice house last week.

Mrs. C. Heimerdinger returned to her home in Vulcan, Mich., last Friday.

You will find a “B” on the Columbian half dollar.  That means that the designer’s name was Barber.

Mr. Henry Schafer of South Barrington had a very narrow escape while
on his way home from Elgin on Tuesday of last week driving a span of
fractious colts.  They became frightened from the approach of an electric street car and flung themselves across the tracks just as the cars were within a few feet of them, overthrowing the wagon and horses and throwing the driver violently to
the ground several feet from the rig.  Mr. Schafer picked himself up and declared he was injured.  The wagon received very little damages and one of the horses was slightly lamed.  The rig was put together and he was on his way home in a short

The M. W. A. installation of officers for the ensuing year occurred last
Saturday evening in Parker’s Hall.

Oysters always on hand at S. M. Jayne’s

Meat Market, first door east of barber shop.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Harrower entertained the members of the Chautauqua
at their home last Friday evening.

Mrs. Wilson, who has been caring for her grand-daughter, Mrs. H. Spear,
at Irving Park during her recent illness, returned home last Friday.

J. C. Kruger of Racine made a call on his friends here this week.

FOR SALE-A grand square “Bauer” piano at a bargain.  For particulars
call or address this office.

Mr. Elmer Feuder spent a few days with Mr. Edward Golding last week.

Mrs. George Twichell of Hastings, Minn., made a call on her brother,

Mr. A. S. Henderson, last week.

The C. & N. W. trains from the North were delayed three or four hours
last Saturday on account of a derailed freight car between Cary and
this place.

The Rev. Mr. Husser of Chicago preached at the Baptist Church last Sunday afternoon.

Mr. F. W. Tegmeier of Desplaines visited with his parents last Sunday.

Mr. G. Meyer shipped a car load of cheese boxes from here last Tues-
day to Woodstock.

Mr. Henry Thies and daughter, Miss Carrie, of Plum Grove, visited E. Hachmeister last Monday.

Herman Schwein has sold his half interest in livery stable to Edward
Peters.  Consideration, $3,750.

Wm. Gelleck spent last week with his parents at Janesville, Wis.

Mrs. James Catlow and daughter of Cary, visited with Mr. Catlow a few
days last week.

Mr. Schafer and little daughters of Chicago visited Mr. Geo. Schafer
last week.

H. D. A. Grebe and Samuel Geiskie have dissolved partnership.  Samuel
Geiskie being retired.  H. D. A. Grebe will continue business at the old place.

Miss Jennie Crowley is visiting this week with relatives here.

Mr. R. Purcell spent last week at home with his family.

Miss Schwitzer of Palatine was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Dickman a few
days this week.

Ossian Congdon of Nunda visited with friends here last Saturday.

The celebrated “soap” man was around again last Monday and relieved some
of our citizens of their good hard cash.

If you want a good steak, roast or anything in the line of meats, call on S. M

DIED-Sunday morning, Jan. 8, only daughter of Bernard Lageschulte, of
diphtheria, aged 2 years.  Funeral services were held at the Lutheran Church
last Tuesday, the Rev. Rahn officiating.

Mr. James Kitson spent last week in Chicago visiting friends.

Gussie Generous visited with his mother last Sunday.

The annual meeting of the Lutheran Congregation occurred last Tuesday, at which
the following officers were elected for the ensuing year:  G. Heimerdinger, President; Fred Reece, Treasurer; Henry Reike, Secretary.

Mr. B. H. Sodt has taken his sons, Edward and Frank, into partnership in his store
and will hereafter be known under the name of B. H. Sodt & Sons.

Our tax collector for the town of Cuba received his books last Wednesday.  It
appears that the taxes are a little higher this year.